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Okay...hey readers, i have not blogged for ages now, so here goes>>>Many many many things have happened since i last blogged, for example, the world has lost THE KING OF POP a.k.a Micheal Jackson, it's a sad day for everyone, here's a message for micheal jackson
UR A LEGEND AND WILL ALWAYS BE..!!! Okay, moving on, about the title, i juz realised that PMR is juz a 100 days away..crap, i have decided that sadly, i muz slowly start studyin for it, sadly, from now on, haizz , okay , back to school, i got 6th in class , better than i expected , coz i dropped terribly this time , school today was boring as usual , but it was fun to talk to friends..! And i heard that new pengetua is coming on wednesday, everyone says that SHE is damn bloody strict(hope not), enough of school , moving on>>> lets talk blogs, i'm gonna do some 'promoting' here, i suggest all of you take a look at hairul's blog, coz it's really nice..!(DON'T SHOW OFF HAIRUL, I'M HELPING OUT HERE), he changed the whole look, and it's the perfect place to go if ur looking for new songs..! Next topic, hmmmmm , yeah , i think that's it for now , sorry if i don't blog often..coz i'm really busy nowadays..!! I'll be back for more....!! Until then, adious..!!
Hey hey readers..sorry coz i didn't post for soo long. I'm gonna explain everything that happened in the past few weeks...Let's start of with the exams, as usual, i did really badly, i got my english,geo and sejarah marks so far..GUESS WHAT?? I dropped in all those subjects..damn it.. I really hate lets change the topic..-TEACHER'S DAY 09I really thought i would have fun on teacher's day this year...but it was soooo darn boring...firstly, i had to help out interact sell teacher's day cards, this meant that i missed all the performances..haha...nevermind, at least i managed to sell all the cards and some cornflakes with some help of my friends. After teacher's day i went for ICC at MBS with michelle.Next event-HANG OUT WITH FRIENDS AT MVMe,hairul,sherwyn,may yan,anussha,sughontha,kashmita,li jien,siobita and klaudia hanged out at mv on wednesday. It was really fun. Well here's what we did.Movie8 of us watched Night at the museum 2..I can seriously tell you that it was the funniest movie i have watched this year...DAMN NICE..GO AND WATCH IT..! Hairul and klaudia watched terminator..! This is coz klaudia had already watched night at museum and hairul wanted to watch terminator.Lunch at domino'sAfter the movie, we all decided to have we ate at domino's...i ate chicken was awesome..!BowlingAfter lunch, we played 2 games of bowling, it was really fun,here are the scores1st round- Winner-Klaudia and ME-96 marks2nd round-Winner-Klaudia-95 marksKlaudia's really good in bowling..! 1st round i and her tied..2nd round she won coz my hands were aching(excuses)haha, i'll get my revenge next time..!So after bowling,all of us went back..we really had fun..!!Well, that's all the main events that happened in the past 2 weeks, all in 1 post..! As for today, i'm sick, AGAIN..! Haizz,, hope i get better soon..! Catch up with y'all later...! Byezz..!