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Hey y' today...well...arghh lets just talk bout something more interestin..coz nothing happened in school..! Well alright..i'm seriously panicking right mid term is in a week..i need to study everything in form 1 and 2 for every subject..7 subjects,more than 100 chapters,oneweek..? CONCLUSION..I'M DEAD..!! Anyone care to join me..?WELL..LET'S CHANGE THE TOPIC..LESS WORRYIN MORE AMERICAN IDOL...HAHA..XD
Danny gokey and adam of them is definitely gonna be the next american idol...kris allen...STOP DREAMING..YOU CAN'T SING LA..! Well I really can't pick either one of them..right now i am hoping for adam lambert to win..!! But danny can sing really well too..!! Basically everyone i know says adam will win..! EXCEPT..someone that syok sendiri in my class...haha..Danny gets all the votes...although adam sings better..may'b coz everyone pity him..? Or may'b coz adam's gay..?? Nvm lar..we see what happens tomorrow..!! BUT FOR NOW GO GO GO....ADAM..!! Hahaha..give comment in the cbox on the right on who you think gonna win..!! ADIOS READERS..!!
Today was a really really nice day...hanged out wif hairul,brian and sherwyn at mid valley...i went at 11am..we booked tickets for paul blart-mall cop..B4 the movie..we had lunch at secret recipe...
The movie was freaking funny man...! The last 45 mins were the parts where we laughed and laughed and laughed...go watch it...! But unfortunately...brian couldn't join us for the movie...he joined us after the movie coz he was playing football...soo..after the movie..we went to the arcades to play daytona...but it was only for a while..then we went to sweet chat to EAT more...haha...but only sherwyn and brian ate...then we had nothing else to do...the bowling alley was fullll...we were like the 34th name on the waiting list..soo..CONCLUSION..FORGET ABOUT IT...!! Since it was already 6pm...we decided to go back...we took a taxi back....! But i seriously had soooooooooo much funnn..! Can't wait to hang out with them again..!!
Thats all 4 today guys...! Byeee..!
Haha..i know i know...I AM A DAVID ARCHULETA FAN...A HUGE ONE ACTUALLY...but i have no idea why...ever since i saw david cook's come back to me video clip on MTV...
I CAN'TSTOP SINGING IT..! Gotta admit's a great song....the video's really cool too...WATCH IT...!
Anywayyyys...back to what happened to me today...i started my day of with a 2 hour MATHS TUITION...SUCKS LA WEI...! IT'S A BLOODY SUNDAY FOR GOD'S SAKE..tuition at 10 am..? 2 hours..? Yeah..pretty much my life...haha...but no point complaining...gotta live with it..after tuition...i finally put the finishing touches to my 50 MARK PMR GEO PROJECT...another project done...BUT another seni project to go..."sigh" was pretty much lazing around the whole dayyy...! Missin my friends loads...can't wait to get back to school tomorrow...!tHATS AlL fOr tOdAy...AdIoS..!oO yEaH..wAtCh ThE VidEO Ok..? WoRtH iT..!
This is like the first day i have ever blogged in my 15 years life..haha..weird right..? Today was kinda boring coz i had to do my GEO PROJECT..the only exciting thing was when i bought my NEW's really awesome....haha..can't wait to have it on monday..! Yeay..! Then in the evening..i went to the playground .to play my favourite outdoor gaMe...FOOTBALL..and i got hurt..!!! But it's nothin much..just scarred my hands...after that...camem back and guess what..? I watched my favourite team play..yeah course..MaNcHeStEr UnItED..! THEY WON SO I'M REALLY FEELIN HAPPY..! Now i'm waiting to wish SHIN WEI....!
ThAtS AlL gUyS..cIaOW..!